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Aging test
using Aging Test Chamber
The Accelerated Aging Test Chamber recreates damage caused by sunlight, rain and dew.
It takes from several to several weeks in our chamber to recreate aging damage caused in natural conditions over the years. Our machine subjects the components to variable cycles of UV radiation and humidity at elevated temperatures that are fully controlled. The condensation process or spraying with water is used to simulate rain and dew.
Our aging test chamber meets ASTM standards.
Benefits of Aging Test Chamber:
- The most realistic conditions – the xenon lamps of the chambers produce radiation that is closest to the total spectrum of sunlight. Horizontal sample stacking and optional water spray system provide the most realistic moisture simulation available in a compact xenon chamber. An optional cooling system is available for use in low temperature tests.
- Fast results – the product is exposed to direct sunlight in weather conditions for several hours a day. In the Q-SUN Xe-1 chamber, every day test specimens can be subjected to the equivalent of sunlight at summer noon for 24 hours a day. Consequently, the degradation of the sample can be greatly accelerated.
- Possibility of testing various materials and coatings – our aging chamber can be tested for paints, varnishes, plastic elements, building materials, roofing, technical fabrics and others.
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